Friday, 25 April 2014


Welcome to Instagram, a world of hashtags, filters and food blogs. Instagram allows users to capture photos and videos, apply digital filters to them and post them on a variety of social networking sites, such as Twiter, Facebook and Tumblr. Since its launch in October 2010, Instagram’s popularity has sky rocketed with an estimated 200 millions users, with 60 million photos shared daily.

Starting off as a photo-sharing app for iPhone users only has now become a massive social network. However as its creation may have been intended for individuals sharing cool and interesting photos, in my opinion it has now become a platform for users to post “selfies”, composing of 58% of all photos posted on Instagram. The other main use of instagram is food blogs, where people feel the need to post photos of every single meal they eat….thinking people care.

#Hashtags is the foundation of instagram. Most of the photos that are uploaded include hashtags to identify their image with a specific topic. Hashtags are used and abused in almost every photo on Instagram with the perception that the more hashtags used the more likes the post will receive, which unfortunately, in my opinion, this is true.

 This YouTube video, performed by Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon, pretty much sums up how hashtags are overused:

Instagram: rickyzinn1


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